Like the bulk of Americans I am concerned with losing weight/getting in shape. I would like to read more, get a great new job, buy a house and live happily ever after but this is my real resolution.
2015 is my year:
I'm not building up anyone or anything just to be torn down ANYMORE! I've given and I'm done. I live with no regrets... I've tried. My giving will be selective, my initial yes is now a potential no. My heart is open but so are my eyes. People are no longer innocent first, they are suspects. Nobody will take care of you if you don't take care of yourself. No more self sacrifice it's overrated.
2015 is my year:
- To ignore negativity. There is a negative component to every personality... Some negative thought, idea or perception that people project onto other rather than looking at themselves. The comments like "you can't do that" or "He won't marry you" even the comments like "you are just like your daddy" can be perceived as negative. They can hurt and completely change the direction of your life,
- To stop giving to people and organizations that are not reciprocal. I, like many others, have given so much of myself to the interests of others at the expense of myself and my family. It is simply time to stop. People will leave you without a thank you. That is why it is best to do all things as unto the Lord. He won't take you for granted or ever leave you comfortless.
- To begin to more diligently divert my attention to things that glorify God and uplift my family. When everyone is done with you, the family is left to pick up the pieces. Treasure them because it may be the difference between ,living comfortably at home or living in a nursing home.
I'm not building up anyone or anything just to be torn down ANYMORE! I've given and I'm done. I live with no regrets... I've tried. My giving will be selective, my initial yes is now a potential no. My heart is open but so are my eyes. People are no longer innocent first, they are suspects. Nobody will take care of you if you don't take care of yourself. No more self sacrifice it's overrated.